
Nur4327 Legal Resource for Nursing Staff.

Nur4327 Legal Resource for Nursing Staff.

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Your nurse manager has asked you to identify some key points from best practices in guarding against malpractice and to develop a small reminder resource for the staff nurses. The resource could be designed to attach to the back of a name badge or put into a small notebook that reminds them of the key steps for best practice and the standards of care for legal responsibility and malpractice.


Create a legal resource for nursing staff that:

  • Examines the definition of standards of care and scope of practice within your state. (Minnesota)
  • Determines the essential elements of nursing malpractice.
  • Appraises best practices for legal compliance.
  • Provides stated ideas with professional language and attribution for credible sources with correct APA citation, spelling, and grammar in the legal resource.


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