
Our nutrition and eating patterns are shaped by our perceptions of food

Our nutrition and eating patterns are shaped by our perceptions of food; what we have learned to like and dislike, what we feel is healthful, and it is even formed by our family, cultural, and religious beliefs.

For this discussion, list five foods/liquids you like and five foods/liquids you don’t like and/or avoid. For each you like, describe why you like them. For example, you might say I like to eat chocolate chip cookies because they remind me of my grandmother.

For the five you do not like to eat/avoid, explain why. For example, you might say I don’t eat lima beans because they taste too mushy in my mouth or I don’t drink milk because I am lactose intolerant, or I don’t eat beef because of religious beliefs.

In addition to explaining why you don’t like the five foods/liquids, also include what it would take (if possible) for you to overcome your dislike of the food/liquid.

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