
Outline the molecular mechanism for skeletal muscle contraction. At what point is ATP used and why?

Outline the molecular mechanism for skeletal muscle contraction. At what point is ATP used and why?




Submission Instructions

Please complete your answers to the lab questions on this form. Please complete your answers, and SAVE the file in a location which you will be able to find again. Then, attach and submit the completed form to the Week 2 Laboratory dropbox in the Ashford University classroom.

Result Tables

Table 1: Muscle Fatigue Data



Time (Seconds)


Trial   1


Trial   2


Trial   3

Post-Lab Questions

1. Did you notice any changes in the amount of time you could perform each wall sit, or how your legs felt after each of the trials?

2. Explain the actions that were occurring at the molecular level to produce this movement. Include sources of energy and any possible effect of muscle fatigue.

3. Hypothesize what would happen if blood flow was restricted to the leg when this experiment is performed.

4. How do banding patterns change when a muscle contracts?

5. What is the difference between a muscle organ, a muscle fiber, myofibril and a myofilament?

6. Outline the molecular mechanism for skeletal muscle contraction. At what point is ATP used and why?

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