
phyllis young 25

phyllis young 25


First watch this video:

Then :
To receive full credit (25/25points) you mustanswerat leasttwoof thefollowing questionsabout the monster movie documentary in the form of a short paragraphas well as respond critically to at leasttwoof your classmates’ posts.
Note:Responding criticallyrequires more than a simple yes or no. In sentence form respond withoneof the following:
Discussion Questions:
The Two comment that you should reply to them :
I agree that the sensitivity to graphic or horrific movies does differ between men and women. When men see nudity it doesn’t really bother them so they don’t think it is necessarily horrific. Females on the other hand will more than likely always be sensitive to these types of scenes.
The second comment:
I agree because nudity is something people don’t really mind and rape wasn’t common back then so they didn’t think anything about it. But now rape is a hard subject to ever talk about and its happening everyday.

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