
Pick one of the companies on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA


Pick one of the companies on the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) and call up their financial information on Google.  You can Google to get a list of the companies on the DJIA.  Take a look at their financial information and tell us any interesting trends that you see.  For example, have sales gone up, down or maybe they have remained flat.  What about net income?  If you see a big trend, dig a little deeper and see what management or then markets have to say about this trend.  Will it continue or is it expected to reverse?  Also, comment on what your fellow classmates post.

Part 2: Do you know what the Futures Market is? What is the Eurodollar contract? How is it related to the Fed Funds Contract. The Eurodollar contract for September 2015 is forecasting a rise in interest rates of about .5%. Do you agree with this prediction? Why?

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