
Please give help with scholarly nformation about natural diasters?

Please give help with scholarly nformation about natural diasters?


3 questions minimum 2-4 paragraphs

March 6, 2021

week 3 Discussion Question 150 words min with references due tomorrow December 21 at 7pm no plagiarism

March 6, 2021

Assignment 1: Monitoring Our Home Planet

The Internet is a powerful tool that provides the ability to monitor natural phenomena and disasters that happen all over planet Earth.

In this assignment, you will research resources available on the Internet for monitoring natural phenomena including earthquakes, volcanoes, tsunamis, global climate, and weather.

Based on your research, do the following:

  • Identify a minimum of three different natural phenomena that are typically responsible for natural disasters. Analyze the potential impact of these disasters.
  • Analyze how these phenomenon are monitored, or not, via the Internet. Critique available Web sites, which publicly display up-to-date monitored information related to each of the natural phenomena you have identified. Focus on the following aspects:
    • Geography
      • What parts of the world are potentially affected by these phenomena? Specifically identify the countries.
    • Resources
      • What kinds of resources are allocated toward monitoring these phenomena and why?
      • What types of Web resources monitor the phenomena and provide up-to-date information about them?
      • What kinds of technology are involved in monitoring the phenomena?
    • Politics
      • What political ramifications would this disaster-preparedness technology cause between more-developed countries and less-developed countries?
      • What kinds of issues could this technology cause between less-developed countries?
    • Economics
      • How would this technology directly impact the economies of those countries that have the technology versus those countries that do not?
      • Do you predict any indirect impacts? What current evidence supports your position?
    • Disaster Preparedness
      • What types of systems are in place in terms of disaster preparedness related to these monitored phenomena?
  • Summarize your findings. Evaluate how this technology will impact the future of humanity, both positively and negatively. Be sure to consider the political and economic issues discussed in your future predictions.

Support your statements with examples. Use a minimum of six reliable references, two of which should be peer-reviewed articles.

Write a 7–8-page paper in Word format. Apply APA standards to citation of sources. Use the following file naming convention: LastnameFirstInitial_M5_A1.doc.

By Saturday, March 29, 2014, deliver your assignment to the M5: Assignment 1 Dropbox.

Grading Criteria and Rubric

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria

Maximum Points

Identify a minimum of three different naturally occurring phenomena that are typically responsible for natural disasters and analyze the potential impact of the disaster.


Analyze ways different Web sites monitor phenomena by critiquing available Web resources. Analysis should include topics such as geography, resources, political/economic issues, and disaster preparedness.


Summarize and discuss future projections on humanity regarding the use of technology. Include research on political and economic issues.


Writing Components:
Organization (16)
Usage and Mechanics (16)
APA Elements (24)
Style (8)





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