
Please Help Me With This!!!!!

Please Help Me With This!!!!!

I don’t know how to handle this Psychology question and need guidance.

This is a critical thinking assignment that requires students to consider each of the number aspects of the theories proposed by Jean Piaget and Vygotsky. Jean Piaget and Lev Vygotsky both proposed theories that attempted to explain the cognitive development in children and adolescents. Chapter 4 covers each theory in detail, specific to the stage of early childhood, but there are supplemental videos about these two theorists that will help students complete this assignment. Open and either copy/paste or download the file, entitled Compare and Contrast the Cognitive Developmental Theories – Piaget and Vygotsky, linked immediately above this assignment. Students can upload a completed file or type into the response box by either filling in the blanks or simply answer each question, making sure to identify the theorist about which one is responding. Please ensure that any ideas, thoughts, or words taken from other sources are properly cited, as discussed in the syllabus.



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