
Please refer to the essay marking criteria to see how your essay will be Marked by your lecturer.

Please refer to the essay marking criteria to see how your essay will be Marked by your lecturer.


Need ONE Response Per Each Discussion Total 6 Responses. Attached Are The Discussions And Rubric Please Follow Them. Posts Will Be A Minimum Of 100 Words, APA Format.One Reference Per Each Discussion

March 6, 2021

Self Introduction and Reflection – MGMT567 Discussion

March 6, 2021

Please refer to the essay marking criteria to see how your essay will beMarked by your lecturer.
Recommending reading Textbooks Bladen, C. et al. (2012). Events Management: An Introduction. Oxon. UK Routledge.Raj, R., Walters, P. and Rashid, T. (2013). Events Management: Principles and Practice. London. Sage Publications.Conway, D.G. (2009) The Event Manager’s Bible: The complete guide to planning and organising a voluntary or public event,’ revised and updated third edition Oxford UK
Your essay should follow this structure: Introduction
• Background information about the topic• Your thesis statement• An overview of your main arguments Body Paragraph 1• Present the counter-argument• Introduce your main argument and provide evidence why counter-argumentIs weak o don’t forget in-text citations!• Concluding sentence – link to the next paragraph Body Paragraph 2• Present the counter-argument• Introduce your main argument and provide evidence why counter-argumentIs weak o don’tForget in-text citations!• Concluding sentence – link to the next paragraph Body Paragraph 3• Present the counterargument• Introduce your main argument and provide evidence why counter-argumentIs weak o don’tForget in-text citations• Concluding sentence – link to the next paragraph Body Paragraph 4• Present the counter-argument• Introduce your main argument and provide evidence why counter-argumentIs weak o don’tForget in-text citations!• Concluding sentence – link to the next paragraph Conclusion• Summary of your main arguments (from the body paragraphs)• Justification of why you have this opinion• Any recommendations for the topic Reference list• Include a reference list at the end in Harvard Style• You should use at least 4 sources.Please refer to the essay marking criteria to see how your essay will beMarked by your lecturer.


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