
powerpoint assignment

powerpoint assignment

Help me study for my Powerpoint class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

Instructions for Pathophysiology Power Point Assignment

This Pathophysiology assignment allows you to gather relevant information on a particular pathology that you may encounter as a nurse. Think of this assignment as an important addition to your portfolio of assignments in this class.

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to serve as an artifact, showing that students have demonstrated achieving the competency on scientific literacy.



Description of the pathology


Normal anatomy of major body system affected


Normal physiology of body system affected


Mechanism of pathophysiology





Topic: rheumatoid arthritis

  • A title slide should be included at the beginning of the presentation, and include the student’s name.
  • Each slide after that should have a heading describing which criterion on the above list is being addressed on that slide.
  • The presentation must be a minimum of 15 PowerPoint slides in length and no more than 20 slides
  • Since the purpose of this presentation is to emphasize anatomical structures and their importance in both physiology and pathological conditions, this presentation should include many graphics. Graphics can be borrowed from other sources (source must be cited), or created by the student. Graphics should be applicable to the criterion which they refer to. Graphics can include but are not limited to the following: flow charts, diagrams, tables, pictures, or brief animations.
  • You are encouraged to be creative with your presentation. You will be allowed to use a variety of font sizes and styles in your presentation.
  • It is recommended that the student reviews the information about plagiarism in the Student Handbook. Any copying of information from another source without giving proper credit through a citation will be met with severe consequences. In line with this, however, the entire presentation should not be directly copied from other sources. The student is expected to compose ideas in their own words, and only use text from other sources as a minor supplement.
  • A minimum of 3 APA-style references should be cited in the presentation. The citation may be included on the slide which contains the borrowed material.

Pathophysiology Powerpoint Presentation Rubric

Purpose: The purpose of the project is to enhance student understanding of the concepts of anatomy and physiology and how each organ system works collaboratively to achieve and to serve as an artifact showing that students have demonstrated achieving the competency on scientific literacy. Competency 6 states: Learners will gain the ability to read with understanding scientific content and engage in dialogue about scientific issues.

Pathophysiology PowerPoint Presentation Grading Rubric:



Needs Improvement


Slides are easy to read

(10 pts)

All slides are easy to read

(up to 10 points)


Slides are not easy to read

(0 Points)

Slide Headings

(5 pts)

All slides have a heading

(up to 5 points)


No headings are present

(O points)

Minimum 15 slides total (including Title and Reference slide)

(10 pts)

All slides present

(Up to 10 points)


Slides missing

(0 Points)

Graphics are used such as tables, graphs, pictures, etc.

(10 pts)

Graphics are used

(up to 10 points)

Graphics Missing

(0 Points)

Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology thoroughly explained demonstrating scientific literacy

(25 points)


Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of A&P throughout the project Student canaccurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means consistently throughout the assignment.

(Up to 25 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of A&P through at least 50% of the project.

Student can accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means mostlythroughout the assignment.

(Up to 15 points)

Student has demonstrated comprehensive knowledge of fundamental concepts of A&P through at least 25% of the project.

Student did not accurately interpret and communicate information using scientific vocabulary using written and/or graphical means throughoutthe assignment.

(Up to 10 points)

Homeostasic Mechanisms

(20 points)

All aspects concerning the interactions between body systems were fullyaddressed. (all items or terms that are listed are described or explained in a very complete manner)

(Up to 30 points)

Some aspects concerning the interactions between the body systems were mostly addressed.

(Up to 20 points)

Few aspects concerning the interactions between the body systems were addressed. (Items or terms listed with very little description or explanation)

(Up to 10 points)


(10 points)

At least 3 sources have been referenced, references are from reputable sources.

(Up to 10 points)

At least 2 sources have been referenced, most references are from reputable sources.

(Up to 7 points)

Insufficient sources were referenced, or sources were from biased sources.

(Up to 4 points)

Proper APA formatting of in text citations and reference pageReferences

(10 pts)

Proper APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with no inaccuracies in APA formatting.

(Up to 10 points)

APA format was used, both for in text citation and for the reference section, with few inaccuracies in APA formatting.

(Up to 7 points)

Many errors in APA style and formatting.

(Up to 4 points)

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