
Powerpoint due in 8 hours

Powerpoint due in 8 hours


PowerPoint due in 8 hours.. the PowerPoint has to be on the topic:

This topic is for the final project.. I have included the final project directions so it can help guide you as what is expected.. also, I have attached the link to the teacher providing information on how to do the PowerPoint:


She speaks about the PowerPoint at about 23:42

and also a ppt with instructions is attached..

Final Project Directions

The final project will be an analysis of your Research Selection Assignment from Week 1.  The critique for the final project is due 

Thursday  of Week 7 at 11:55 pm c Central Standard Time. Review Chapter 21 to help you understand how to critique a research study.



The purpose of doing an in-depth analysis of your Research Selections Study, designed research  article is to help you put into practice the content of the course and to illustrate why the hierarchy of evidence is focused on systematic reviews. Further, your having done such a review gives you insight into the sort of thinking and questioning that arises when you are reading research articles. It may also stimulate the critical thinking that is required of the nursing scholar. 

This will be your analysis and you are required to use critical thinking in analyzing your selected article.  If you agree or disagree with the author, support your reasoning. If you find any component of the study lacking or in need of improvement, support your position. Support your position with scholarly resources.

Steps in the Process:

1. Refer to the Distance Learning Librarian link under the Learner Support banner on the homepage of the course to learn how to use the library and find the library databases. 

2. See the assignment in week one on submitting your Research Selection Study 

3. Follow the instructions for this assignment in week one

4. The Grading criteria, the Rubric, for the written project is found in week six.

5. Your paper is to be 5 – 10 pages not counting the title page and the reference page.

7. Submit your paper to Turnitin by the posted deadline 

The post Powerpoint due in 8 hours appeared first on homeworkcrew.com.


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