
precision and accuracy

precision and accuracy


How did the authors link dependent and independent variables? What constitutes a replicate and what was the sample size? (2-4 sentences unless additional information needed)

How did the authors ensure that the data are free of bias and reflect maximum precision and accuracy? (2-4 sentences unless additional information needed)

What did the authors conclude with respect to their hypotheses? How do their findings related to the already-known, wider body of knowledge on this topic?  In your discussion, citing works related to this effort is encouraged. (1 paragraph)

How would you use inductive or deductive reasoning from your findings to posit a new idea based on the findings of this study? In your discussion, citing works related to this effort is encouraged. (1 paragraph)

List any additional references you cited below. Use ESA journal formatting. Omit DOI numbers and websites.

The post precision and accuracy appeared first on Scholar Writers.


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