
Prepares a 3 page (not including cover page and reference section) research paper that identifies several key issues

Prepares a 3 page (not including cover page and reference section) research paper that identifies several key issues

I’m working on a Psychology question and need guidance to help me study.

Prepares a 3 page (not including cover page and reference section) research paper that identifies several key issues related to the chosen topic (*physical disciple abuse or correction)*

Focusing on

1. effects of discipline on children

2. kinds of disciplines

Incorporate at least 3 scholarly, credible, and current references to support your ideas, drawing primarily from scholarly journals and books. Include in-text citations and a reference list in APA format.

“Credible” sources are those from peer-reviewed, or refereered, academic journals. Pop culture magazines, pseudo-science magazines (e.g., Psychology Today), and blogs are not credible sources for the sake of this assignment.

“Current” sources are not more than 10 years old.

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