
Preparing An Assessment Tool In Excel Of Inventory Management Maturity Level

Preparing An Assessment Tool In Excel Of Inventory Management Maturity Level


Order instructions

Design an assessment tool in Excel (VBA is a plus) of inventory management maturity level and test it on at least one organization to evaluate its performance level.

  1. A description of each best practice with references
  2. Items with degree levels to evaluate each practice.
  3. A visual graph showing automatically results of the assessment along with a description of the target company
  4. Recommendations based on the results of the assessment (these don’t need to be automated).

Sheet 1: A brief description of the assessed company (history, infrastructure, size etc..) and how data was collected. Then follows the maturity matrix. You can google examples. To fill it in, you can create a second table and ask the interviewee whether they use the practice and give a concrete example of how they use it. You score each practice at this point.

Sheet 2: Summary of results on a visual graph

Sheet 3: Recommendations to the company that was assessed. Below an example from a group of students.

Area of improvement Our recommendation

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