
Process Costing- Cost Accounting | Nursing Term Papers

Process Costing- Cost Accounting | Nursing Term Papers


Option #1: Process Costing

Got Yogurt, Inc. manufactures yogurt that goes through three processing stages
prior to completion. Information on work in the first department, flavor
identification and blending, is given below for November:

Data on Production:
Pounds in process at
November 1; materials 100% complete; conversion 70% complete
Pounds started into
production during November
Pounds completed and
transferred out
Pounds in process,
November 30; materials 85% complete; conversion 40% complete
Data on Costs:
Work in process
inventory, November 1: Materials cost
Conversion cost $3,700
Cost added during
November: Materials cost
Conversion cost $147,700

company uses the weighted-average method.

Submit your assignment as an Excel spreadsheet document, clearly organized,
with each tab or section labeled by item number that demonstrates the

  1. Compute the equivalent units of production.
  2. Compute the costs per equivalent unit for the month.
  3. Determine the cost of ending work in process
    inventory and of the units transferred out to the next department.
  4. Prepare a cost reconciliation schedule for the
    month. Below the schedule, comment on what the cost reconciliation schedule
    tells us about the company’s costs.

Responses should be in complete sentences utilizing proper
grammar. Your paper must be formatted according to CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements (Links to an external site.). Reference Lynda.com in the CSU-Global Library (Links to an external
Microsoft Excel tutorials or use the Excel Tutorials link found in the
classroom if assistance is needed.

the Module 3 Critical Thinking Rubric for full details on how you will be
graded on this assignment.


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