
professional baseball pitchers can deliver pitch which can reach blazing speed 100 mph miles

professional baseball pitchers can deliver pitch which can reach blazing speed 100 mph miles


Project Metrics 19649459 – My Perfect Tutors

March 6, 2021

annotated bibliography 4866053 2 – Essay Writers

March 6, 2021

Professional baseball pitchers can deliver a pitch which can reach the blazing speed of 100 mph (miles per hour). A local team has drafted an up-and-coming left handed pitcher who can consistently throw at 93.00 mph. Assuming the ball has a mass 142.0 g and has this speed just before a batter would make contact, how much kinetic energy does the ball have? How high would the ball need to be dropped from to attain the same energy (neglect air resistance)? (The acceleration due to gravity is 9.81 m/s2.)?

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