
“Profiting From Risk Management and Compliance

“Profiting From Risk Management and Compliance


RESEARCH ESSAY – DESCRIPTION OF ESSAY: You are to write an essay which discusses at least one of the legal issues studied in our course. Your essay must meet all the criteria below.

1. Apply  Law  from the text book “Profiting From Risk Management and Compliance – 2019 – Student Edition

Principles and concepts. Your essay must relate to one or more of our course topics and it must apply principles from our course.

2. Uses current Canadian issue(s). Your essay must discuss a current Canadian issue (i.e. a topic reported in the general media within the last 7 years).

3. Relates to government regulation of business. Your essay must be related to

the general theme of our course – government regulation of business; and

4. Cites a minimum of SIX sources other than the class text book or any lectures. Your essay must make reference to various outside sources such as books and articles (examples: academic journals, newspapers, magazines or internet articles).


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