
project | Nursing Term Papers

project | Nursing Term Papers


Objective(s): Using Multidimensional Analysis (i.e., OLAP – Online Analytical Processing) you will analyze a multidimensional cube and make recommendations for improving profit. The multidimensional cube that you will analyze is AdventureWorks.

Methodology: You will analyze a cube built from the AdventureWorks Data Warehouse. The AdventureWorks cube was built using Microsoft’s SQL Server Analysis Services (SSAS). Playing the role of AdventureWorks management, you will analyze your cube using Microsoft Excel and make two (2) recommendations for improving profitability. You will use what you have learned about OLAP from the video tutorials to analyze your cube’s data and make your recommendations.

Deliverable(s): You will submit 2 recommendations for improving the profitability of AdventureWorks along with the rationale of each recommendation. In addition, please include any and all cube views (i.e., reports or charts from Excel) that helped you arrive at your recommendations.

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