
Project Outline

Project Outline

I’m studying and need help with a Business question to help me learn.

The previous assignment attached

The outline of your final project should contain your thesis statement, and the remainder should be a full-sentence outline where you specifically show how your paper will flow.

Note: A full-sentence outline differs from bullet points because each section of the outline must be a complete sentence. Each part may only have one sentence in it. Capital letters are ideas that support the thesis.

Your outline must contain a minimum of 12 full sentences as follows.

  • The thesis statement of the paper (2 sentences minimum)
  • 4 key points to support the thesis statement:
    • What is the issue and why is it significant? (2 full sentences minimum to clarify this point)
    • How would your first philosopher address your issue? (2 full sentences minimum to clarify this point)
    • How would your second philosopher address your issue? (2 full sentences minimum to clarify this point)
    • How would you apply your philosophers’ principles to your issue in modern society? (2 full sentences minimum to clarify this point)
  • Conclusion (2 sentences minimum)


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