
Project Report: Leadership and Change Management – Nestle Organizational Change – Accept only if you’re aware of Change Management Concepts – PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS

Project Report: Leadership and Change Management – Nestle Organizational Change – Accept only if you’re aware of Change Management Concepts – PLEASE READ INSTRUCTIONS

Need help with my Management question – I’m studying for my class.

Team Project Document Information:

In this assignment, your team is to serve as professional consultants and demonstrate proficiency at providing guidance to a Nestle organization undergoing change. The team project should be very clear, concise, and focused. The consulting team is to provide recommendations to the company utilizing the various leadership, management, and organizational change concepts gained in the course. The organization change report should be a minimum of 12 but no more than 15 pages not including title page, abstract, or reference section.

The final document (15-17 pages total) is to contain two parts. I believe the document flows as follows:-

1. Title Page

2. Abstract Page

3. Nestle Organizational Change – Part One (1200-1600 words) of the project is to provide an extensive history of the organization, a description of its management and leadership hierarchy, and a thorough description of the organizational culture and also its mission, values, and vision statements.

4. Nestle Organizational Change – Part Two (1500-2000 words) of the project is to follow the basic structure which includes seven sections below:

  • Introduction:- Defining the change project situation (can use the same we presented in Project outline)
  • Definition of the project:- Explaining how as a consulting team we gonna handle this project and what change management topics we will be covering. (can use the same we presented in Project outline)
  • Diagnosis of the current situation:- Identifying the issues in the situation presented both in terms of change management and leadership, how it is affecting the business. Use SWOT analysis to diagnose the situation.
  • Recommendations:- As a consulting team, we will be explaining what kind of new processes and steps they should be doing to over the presented issues. Use Focus field analysis to make recommendations.
  • Implementation plan:- Using John Kotter’s 8 step change process, we should explain a few steps explaining what kind of implementation plan they had to follow. Also use Porter’s five forces analysis if needed for recommendations or Implementations
  • Summary:- Summarize the highlights of the recommendations we made and explain the outcome we are expecting out of it.

5. Reference Section – a minimum of 12 peer-reviewed articles must be used and integrated throughout the main body of the team project. It could contain the article about Nestle change and also generic articles and textbook content that helped to develop the change management process.

Attached are few articles that explains organizational change happened at Nestle from internet and textbook case study. Let me know if you need anymore information.

Thank you for the help.

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