
PROPOSAL PROJECT 1. Choose a topic-think of something you w

PROPOSAL PROJECT 1. Choose a topic-think of something you w


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PROPOSAL PROJECT 1. Choose a topic-think of something you would like to change or add on a job or at school. The proposal should include the following: Section 1 INTRODUCTION A. General statement of the problem or situation (background) B. Statement of the specific need C. Proposed objectives D. Definitions of terms or concepts SECTION 2- PROPOSAL A 3 to 5 page report using your sources of information proposing your information SECTION 3- EQUIPMENT, CAPABILITIES, COSTS, PERSONNEL AND TIMETABLE NEEDED TO PROPOSE YOUR TOPIC Include graphics and surveys or questionnaires (must have at least two graphics) SECTION 4 CONSEQUENCES A. Advantages B. Disadvantages SECTION 5-CONCLUSION A. Summarize the main points of your proposal B. Include recommendations SECTION 6- WORKS CITED PAGE A. Should be done using APA format B. Must have 5 sources C. Must include at least 2 primary sources and one secondary source D. Must have one interview

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