
Psy001 general psychology

Psy001 general psychology

I’m studying for my Psychology class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?

This assignment is designed for you to use a scientific approach to applying psychological theory to your personal experience.

Please select one of the options below for your Applied Project and respond in at least 1 to 2 pages (about 400 to 500 words). Your work can be submitted directly in the text editor or attached as a file or URL. You can format your paper as one flowing response or as separate paragraphs answering the specific prompts. Papers will be graded based on completing all parts of the option selected and thoughtfulness of work.

Option A: Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Read section 15.3 on Humanistic Therapy in the textbook Chapter 15: Psychological Therapies.
  2. In your own words, describe the two most common styles of humanistic therapy.
  3. For seven days do one random act of kindness for someone you don’t know very well or a stranger. The act could be something small or big. For ideas here are 13 little random acts of kindness (Links to an external site.).
  4. Describe each act of kindness you completed.
  5. Both therapies emphasize the importance of empathy and taking another person’s perspective. Did this activity increase your empathy or ability to take another’s perspective? How or why not?
  6. Did this assignment help you better understand yourself? How or why not?
  7. At the end of your paper, please reference the textbook (see example below) and any additional sources you used for this assignment.

Option B: Gratitude journal

  1. Read section 6.3 on Short-term Memory in the textbook Chapter 6: Memory.
  2. In your own words, describe selective attention and maintenance rehearsal.
  3. For seven days keep a gratitude journal. Record at least 3 things you are grateful for each day and try to write different things for each day. Here are some suggestions on how to complete a gratitude journal (Links to an external site.).
  4. Select three days and share the three things you were grateful for each of those days.
  5. Based on your gratitude journal were there patterns in what you paid attention to and remembered to write down? For example, were you mostly grateful for people or things or actions?
  6. Did this assignment help you better understand yourself? How or why not?
  7. At the end of your paper, please reference the textbook (see example below) and any additional sources you used for this assignment.


References are included on the last page of a presentation or paper. Citations are included in parentheses at the end of the sentence that was referenced.

  • Citation: (Ciccarelli & White 2015)
  • Textbook reference: Ciccarelli, S. K., & White, J. N. (2015). Psychology (4th ed.). New York, NY: Pearson Education, Inc.
  • Website reference: http://gfnnfg.livejournal.com/.
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