
PSY1012 All Assignments (November 2019)

PSY1012 All Assignments (November 2019)


PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 1 Assignment

A Tour of the Brain

Pretend you are a tour guide giving a tour of the human brain. In a 1-2 page paper written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, describe the tour you would give. Be sure to highlight the major parts of the brain, the control centers and their functions, and the importance of the brain as part of the central nervous system. Conclude your tour with a description of what happens to a person when damage occurs to a part of the brain.

PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 2 Assignment

Sensory Information

In one paragraph per sense, explain how each sense functions, including the biological aspects required for operating each sense. Offer an everyday example of how you use each sense.






PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 2 Assignment

Conditioning in My Life

In a 1-2 page paper written in APA, using proper spelling/grammar, address the following three points:

Classical Conditioning – Describe a fear or phobia that you possess, and that was learned through classical conditioning. If you are among the “fearless,” have a friend share a fear with you. Show how the principles of classical conditioning (unconditioned stimulus, unconditioned response, conditioned stimulus, and conditioned response) apply to the development of your fear or phobia.

Operant Conditioning – Describe one of your childhood learning experiences that involved operant conditioning, such as having to do something to get a reward or avoid punishment. Discuss how the principles of operant conditioning (behavior consequences, reinforcement, or punishment) applied to your learning experience.

Behavior Modification – Describe a small behavior that you would like to change in someone you live with: a roommate, sibling, parent, child, or partner. Examples include leaving their things in the living room or not emptying the trash. Show how the principles of operant conditioning (behavior consequences, reinforcement, or punishment) could be used to keep this behavior in place. Describe how you could use behavior modification to change this behavior.

PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 3 Assignment


For each of the following, write a paragraph describing each of the types of memory and providing an original example of how you use each.

Short term memory (process and example)

Long term memory (process and example)

Sensory memory process (process and example)

PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 4 Assignment

Development Theories

In a 1-2 page paper, written in APA format using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

Briefly explain Piaget’s and Erikson’s theories of development. Who had a better theory of human development: Erikson or Piaget? Please offer detail to explain your choice.

What tips would you give to someone who has just suffered a major loss, now that you know the stages of grief?

PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 5 Assignment

Disorders Worksheet

Download the Disorders Worksheet (below) and complete the tables with information from your readings, additional research, and the course information. You may find it helpful to complete the worksheet as you do the readings for this Module. Be sure to list your references in APA format at the end of the worksheet.

Instructions: For each disorder in the tables below, identify the major symptoms and characteristics. Feel free to refer to your readings and course materials. Be sure to list your references in APA format.

Anxiety Disorders Major Symptoms/Characteristics
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Specific Phobia
Social Phobia
Panic Disorder
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Mood Disorders Major Symptoms/Characteristics
Major Depression
Bipolar Disorder
Schizophrenia Major Symptoms/Characteristics
Personality Disorders Major Symptoms/Characteristics
Antisocial Personality Disorder
Dissociative Disorders
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Borderline Personality Disorder

PSY 1012 General Psychology

Module 5 Assignment


Read the articles listed below and then write a 1-2 page paper in APA format, using proper spelling/grammar, address the following:

Imagine your 19 year old cousin has recently gone through many changes in his life and you suspect he is suffering from major depression.

What would you tell your cousin about this disease?

How would you help him find the best treatment possible?

What type(s) of therapy would you recommend?

How would a psychologist determine his or her behavior to be normal or abnormal?

Feel free to refer to additional sources besides those mentioned below. Please list your references at the end of your paper in APA format.

The Pill Paradox

The Binds that Tie – and Heal: How Families Cope with Mental Illness

Depression: Beyond Serotonin

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