



Psychology for Working with Children

The lecture topics and their associated problems are provided below along with the marking criteria. Avoid plagiarism.


Psychology in Education

Lecture 1: Speech, language, and literacy development II

Problem: Using one theory and one piece of research described in the lecture, design an evidence-based catch-up class for a child who is struggling with their reading comprehension

(500 words)


Lecture 2: Children in the digital age

Problem: Devise a 5-point plan to help teachers enhance their pupils’ learning and social skills with technology. You should use one theory or one piece of research evidence described in the lecture to support each point in your plan

(500 words)


Psychology and Child Health

Lecture 3: Social cognition, theory of mind, and Autism

Problem: Devise a 5-point plan to help parents, teachers, or healthcare professionals interact effectively with an Autistic child. You should use one theory or one piece of research evidence described in the lecture to support each point in your plan

(500 words)

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