
Psychology of Terrorism

Psychology of Terrorism


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December 18, 2020

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December 18, 2020

What are the benefits to a terrorist group of using suicide bombers to conduct terrorist acts? What, beyond the obvious (once a suicide bomber detonates him/herself that human weapon is no longer in the terrorist group’s arsenal) are some of the downsides? Describe-don’t just list. How does the terrorist recruitment process compare (similarities) and contrast (differences) with the recruiting practices of the U.S. military? What does this tell us about the terrorist mindset? What effects do group dynamics have on an individual in a terrorist group? Be concrete, specific and thorough with your answer. Discuss the internal pressures for members to conform. Do these pressures exist for all members of the group? Imagine you were asked to state in a few paragraphs what motivates terrorists. Drawing from all that you have learned in this course, how would you answer?
Answer each question individually. 250 word minimum. NO PLAGARISM. 100% ORIGINAL. 
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