
read business and summarize | Nursing Term Papers

read business and summarize | Nursing Term Papers


You are required to read, summarize, and prepare an analysis of 2 business-related articles from a newspaper or business periodical/journal (see due dates). The articles must be current (dated within 30 days in which the document is to be submitted). You must provide a copy of the article you read for this assignment. You can cut and paste it into a Word document and attached to your email or hand it to me in class.

Use the following format for this assignment:

Top of Page at Left (Single-spaced)

Student’s Name

Title of Article (Use quotation marks)

Author of Article

Name of Newspaper/Magazine/Journal

Date of Newspaper/Magazine/Journal

Summary of Article (type this on your document): No more than 2 paragraphs (single-spaced). Double space between paragraphs.

Opinion of Article (type this on your document): Must be comprehensive in nature and reflect the relationship to content as discussed in the course or your personal understanding or view on the topic of the article. Your analysis must be singled spaced with double spacing between paragraphs.

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read business and summarize was first posted on March 6, 2021 at 11:37 pm.
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