
Read the attached article “Beyond the Columbian Exchange: Cultural

Read the attached article “Beyond the Columbian Exchange: Cultural Connections in the Black AtlanticPreview the document” about “slave food” and summarize the author’s main points about “slave food” and its place in society today. This submission must be 750 words in length and should feature quotes and examples from the text.

Some questions to consider:

  1. What is “slave food”? Who is designating these foods as “slave food”?
  2. What are “African retentions”,  and what other examples of these does the author give, besides food?
  3. How does food inform our sense of identity? Can you compare the role food plays in Brazilian identity to the role food plays in American identity? What sorts of food have symbolic value in American culture, or in your own family?


A History of World Societies, Volume 1

11th Edition

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