
Read the four short stories assigned on the calendar (“The Story of an

  1. Read the four short stories assigned on the calendar (“The Story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin (568-570), “Sonny’s Blues” by James Baldwin (91-113), and “Wall of Fire Rising” by Edwidge Danticat (412-424), and “I’d Love You to Want Me” by Viet Thanh Nguyen (127-140).
  2. Next, create a post that answers the following questions for one of the four short stories:
    • Describe the plot, focusing on what you see as the central conflict(s).
    • Describe the setting (time and place). If you cannot determine the specific time or place, concentrate on details that give you clues, or even the names of places, or the descriptors of the environment.
    • Describe the main character(s) and determine if they are “dynamic” or “static.” Explain how you come to your conclusion.
    • What symbols or figurative language do you see? Even if you may not be sure about what something actually represents, you can still name a detail that seems significant in some way.
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