
Reflection on a Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual: You will write a 3-5 paged paper describing (ONE) Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual of a culture you do not identify with.

Reflection on a Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual: You will write a 3-5 paged paper describing (ONE) Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual of a culture you do not identify with.

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Reflection on a Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual: You will write a 3-5 paged paper describing (ONE) Sexual Practice, Relationship Norm, Gender Norm, or Courting Ritual of a culture you do not identify with. Reflect on the nature and extent of the practice and how it is different than your own sexual practices in your culture. Any legitimate, reasonable, appropriate, and academic research may be used. Use at least four outside sources and include a work cited. Paper should be written in ASA or APA format.

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