
Relevance and Significance  Why is there a problem? What groups or individuals are affected? 

Cloud Security

1) Chapter 1 – Introduction


Problem Statement



Research Questions

Relevance and Significance

Why is there a problem? What groups or individuals are affected?

How far-ranging is the problem and how great is its impact? What’s the benefit of solving the problem?

What has been tried without success to correct the situation? Why weren’t those attempts successful? What are the consequences of not solving the problem?

How does the goal of the study address the research problem and how will the proposed study offer promise as a resolution to the problem?

How will the research add to the knowledge base?

What is the potential for generalization of the results?

What is the potential for original work?

Barriers and Issues

2) Chapter 2 – Literature Review (Only peer reviewed articles are accepted. Summarize the articles in a paragraph)

3) Chapter 3 – The body of the paper. Deep research.

4) Chapter 4 – Conclusion

6) References – APA (not included in page count)

7) Appendices (not included in page count)

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