
Religion 2/18

Religion 2/18

I’m trying to study for my Philosophy course and I need some help to understand this question.

The reading article is attached

The only reference should be the attached only


This homework assignment will help ensure a dynamic classroom experience, and it will aid in progress on the course learning outcomes:

  • Understand key questions and issues with respect to the application of the Bible to modern justice issues
  • Critically analyze ways in which the Bible has, is, or could be used to address modern injustices
  • Recognize the complexity in any attempt to apply ancient biblical texts to justice concerns in the modern world
  • Think critically about one’s own fundamental views with respect to the Bible and contemporary justice issues

Include the following

  • Identify the main ideas of the assigned reading.
  • Identify two things you found interesting and want to discuss in class.
  • Identify at least one question you have upon completion of the reading. This should not be a “google question” (i.e., What are “Euroamericans”?). (You may include more than one question.)
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