
Renaissance Art/Humanism and Perspective

Renaissance Art/Humanism and Perspective

I don’t know how to handle this Art & Design question and need guidance.

The Last Supper fresco by the artist, Leonardo daVinci, is a familiar depiction of Christ from the Renaissanceperiod. Although it is of a religious scene, in it we see influences of Greek humanism and realism as the Renaissance artists strove to capture things as they observed them in nature. Please note that during this rebirth of culture, there also existed great strides in science due to observation of the natural world. Study the figures and use what you have learned about Greek idealism and naturalism, to describe one of the figures in this famous scene. Aside from the figures themselves, concentrate on the space in this scene and discuss two devices used to create a three dimensional illusion of depth; in other words, the viewer understands that the figures could really be in that space. One is linear perspective and the other atmospheric perspective. Define each and use them to describewhat you see. Below is a little interactive illustration, to help you to understand the concept of linear perspectiveand how it works. In addition, include in your essay, the definition of fresco and mention briefly where in Italy, this famous fresco resides.

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