
*Responses must be written in your own words – DO NOT copy/paste from the Internet. For this week’s homework assignment, please answer the following questions: Describe the differences among the following three types of orders: market, limit, and stop l

*Responses must be written in your own words – DO NOT copy/paste from the Internet. For this week’s homework assignment, please answer the following questions: Describe the differences among the following three types of orders: market, limit, and stop l

I need help with a Accounting question. All explanations and answers will be used to help me learn.

*Responses must be written in your own words – DO NOT copy/paste from the Internet.

For this week’s homework assignment, please answer the following questions:

  1. Describe the differences among the following three types of orders: market, limit, and stop loss. Provide examples of each in your own words.
  2. What is a short sale? Provide an example in your own words.
  3. Describe buying on margin. Provide and example in your own words.
  4. Why is it illegal to trade on insider information? Provide an example in your own words.
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