
review-analysis-and-critique-6 | Nursing Term Papers

review-analysis-and-critique-6 | Nursing Term Papers


Purpose of Assignment

Students will have the opportunity to analyze and critique other team members’ submissions from the previous week’s assignment. The team feedback will allow all team members to improve their Week 2 assignments in preparation for their final strategic plan.

Assignment Steps

Discuss drafts of your Business Model and Strategic Plan, Part I Individual assignment from Week 2 with all team members.

Choose two or three team member’s drafts and review as a team this week. You will review a different team member’s drafts each week. By Week 5, all team members’ papers should have been reviewed at least once.

Propose detailed feedback and critical analysis team members can incorporate into their drafts.

Prepare a maximum 700-word synopsis summarizing what the team has learned from the review and discussion. Please make sure to include specific recommendations for each of the submitted papers.


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