
Rossiter, Inc., designs and builds projects for individual customers. On August 1, there were two… 1 answer below »

Rossiter, Inc., designs and builds projects for individual customers. On August 1, there were two… 1 answer below »


Rossiter, Inc., designs and builds projects for individual customers. On August 1, there were two jobs in process: Job #614 with a beginning balance of $10,200; and Job 615 with a beginning balance of $9,670. Rossiter applies overhead at the rate of 60 percent of direct labor cost.

During August, Jobs #616 and #617 were started. Data on August costs for all jobs are as follows:                                           Job #614      Job #615       Job #616       Job #617  













Job #615 was completed on August 22, and the client was billed at cost plus 40 per- cent. All other jobs remained in process.


1.    Prepare job-order cost sheets for each job as of the end of August.

2.    Calculate the balance in Work in Process on August 31.

3.    What is the price of Job #614?


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