
sales analysis spreadsheet 4784294 2

sales analysis spreadsheet 4784294 2


plan comparison 15360771 2 – Essay Writers

March 6, 2021

compscience prof 7720311 2 – Essay Writers

March 6, 2021

Using the ABC Technologies Inc., Q1 2012 Sales spreadsheet, analyze the data on Q1 2012 Sales identifying the following:
Monthly sales by Region
Quarter One sales by Region
Monthly sales by Product
Quarter One sales by Product
Monthly sales by Region, by Sales people
Quarter One sales by Region, by Sales people
Create a graph or chart that compares the data in a meaningful way, i.e. compare regions by month, compare products by month, etc…
Create a spreadsheet formatted to present your analysis of the sales numbers to management. In your spreadsheet, use the following:
Use the SUM function
The date function
An additional math or statistical function of your choice
Fill colors to differential areas of your spreadsheet
Border lines to differential area of your spreadsheet

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