
select any company of your choice, wishing to go global

select any company of your choice, wishing to go global

I need support with this Marketing question so I can learn better.

From the real national market, select any company of your choice, wishing to go global. Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.


  • What variables need to be considered while developing a list of potential countries?
  • Describe the four steps a firm should take when it is considering going global.
  • Discuss at least three challenges that a company may face in the early period of expansion.
  • Describe the three main categories of market entry strategies
  • .Instructions for the students· This assignment is an individual assignment.
    · Justify your answers, with the help of course materials, Text Book, Online resources. (See the course materials of Ch-5)
    · The choice of the company and the selection of countries must be based on referenced information. (Why did you select the country and the company?)
    · All students are encouraged to use their own words.
    · Referencing is necessary and student must apply APA Referencing Style.

    · Submit your Answers using the same format.
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