
Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response

Select two discussion questions from the chapter below and post your response addressing the two questions in one posting response (be sure to identify the questions you selected in your response).

1. Which of the six model nations do you believe has the most effective police force? Why?
2. How does the United States deal with problems related to civil order control? How do these methods compare and contrast with those of our model countries?
3. How might the koban system contribute to a low crime rate in Japan? Would such a system be adaptable to the United States?
4. Using the Internet, find an example of a community policing program operating in the United States and one in a foreign country. How are they the same? Different?
5. Of the key issues that concern the police around the globe, which one do you think will be most important for policing in the 21st century?

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