
SOCW 6051: Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice

SOCW 6051: Diversity, Human Rights, and Social Justice

Respond to at least two colleagues with recommendations of what skills social workers might employ to separate and/or reconcile personal values with professional responsibilities in the scenario presented. Discuss how the barriers to services identified by your colleagues can be overcome by a professional social worker working with LGBTQ clients.

SOCW 6200: Human Behavior and the Social Environment I

Discussion 1: Moral Development Theory and Bullying

Respond to a colleague’s post by offering an additional development theory and explaining its connection to the act of bullying. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

Discussion 2: Bullying: Cycle of Events

Respond to a colleague’s post by expanding on how the act of bullying can affect the psychological development of both victim and observer. Then offer an additional social work intervention, skill, or practice that might change this cycle of events. Please use the Learning Resources to support your answer.

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