
Space and Earth (questions in docs as well)

Space and Earth (questions in docs as well)

I need an explanation for this Environmental Science question to help me study.

***Outsourcing this for a student***

***Answer questions:

  • What impact on society do you think the depleting fossil fuel reserves will cause?
  • Do you think we are feeling the impact already? How?
  • What are some of the impacts of using fossil fuels on the environment? Are they worth it?
  • Are the risks of using Nuclear Power worth it? Why?
  • Do you think the war in the Middle East has anything to do with Fossil Fuel Resources? What backs up your opinion?
  • What energy resources and technology do you think the U.S.A. should be investing in? Why?
  • What are your predictions for future due to fossil fuel depleting and energy consumption increasing?
  • What do you think we can do as individuals to help?

Also answer questions in the 2 files below:

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