
statistics in criminal justice 6 – essay studess

statistics in criminal justice 6 – essay studess


Part I

There is a minimum word requirement is a total of 1,300 words. The response should be supported with a minimum of three scholarly references as well as in-text citations, using proper APA format. The references doesn’t count towards the word count!

1. Define the term nominal variable and provide an example not included in the text.

2. Define the term ordinal variable and provide an example not included in the text.

3. Define the term interval variable and provide an example not included in the text.

4. Define the term ratio variable and provide an example not included in the text.

5. Why are the levels of variables important?

6. For the variable arrest, please state the level of measurement (nominal, ordinal, interval or ratio) and explain why you believe this would be the correct level.

Part II

Students will discuss the three measures of central tendency (mode, mean, medium) in depth, to include when each is best used in statistical analysis. Explain your rationale with a minimum of 250 words, supporting your discussion with two scholarly references and in-text citations.


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