
steps 3

steps 3


1- in 3 peges
2-i need 10 reference next the sentence from the powerpoient that i attached or from the artecals .. example;( copeer powerpoient 2017)
3-use easy words and simple english.We will examine the following and you will write up the answer as an Question #5 for this course:The Flint Water System was found to be toxic so the main water source reverted to the Detroit system not the Flint River. After the switch the water needed to be retested. Read the following and determine:What is the research question?What are the variables?What is the research design?What was the sampling process?How was the data collected?How was the data analyzed?Why or why not was this effective? What did the result
Origins of the EPAhttps://archive.epa.gov/epa/aboutepa/epas-origins-duties-transferred-epa-other-federal-agencies.htmlEnabling Act of the EPAhttps://archive.epa.gov/epa/aboutepa/epa-order-11102-initial-organization-epa.htmlCreating Public Valuehttps://www.hks.harvard.edu/m-rcbg/CSRI/publications/workingpaper_3_moore_khagram.pdf

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