
Summarize your career development, describe the broad areas of endeavor in which you have engaged, and distinguish between clinically-oriented activities (e.g., teaching, research, practice) and management activities.

Summarize your career development, describe the broad areas of endeavor in which you have engaged, and distinguish between clinically-oriented activities (e.g., teaching, research, practice) and management activities.


Summarize your career development, describe the broad areas of endeavor in which you have engaged, and distinguish between clinically-oriented activities (e.g., teaching, research, practice) and management activities.
Personal Statement (Statement of Purpose and Objectives) for applicants to the nonresidential, Master in Health Care Management program for physician and dental executives: In 1,250 words or lessplease answer the following questions. 1. In one paragraph or less briefly describe the organization where you are employed in terms of its purpose, its services and client population, and itsscope of operation (state, county, etc., if relevant). Also provide several relevant measures of its size (e.g., annual budget and revenues: number of employees or full-time equivalents: patientsor beds: and number of years in existence if less than five years old). 2. In one paragraph describe your role in the organization, including title/position of groups or individuals to whom youreport: current responsibilities: number and types of individuals you supervise: size of budget(s) you control: and names of principal committees on which you sit. 3. Summarize your careerdevelopment, describe the broad areas of endeavor in which you have engaged, and distinguish between clinically-oriented activities (e.g., teaching, research, practice) and management activities.4. With reference to your present and future responsibilities and development, describe what you are primarily interested in learning as a result of participating in the program. Please notesubject areas in which you are well versed and those in which you feel you need improvement. 5. Consider a professional project where you were responsible for design and/or implementation, and theproject was successful. Describe what you learned from this experience and how it influenced you as a leader. 6. Consider a professional project where you were responsible for design and/orimplementation, and the project was unsuccessful or not implemented as designed. Describe what you learned from this experience and how it influenced you as a leader.
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