
Synthesis of the Studies, writing homework help

Synthesis of the Studies, writing homework help


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December 18, 2020

Need help with writing this paper. I have attached the something from another assignment. I need to build upon this idea. Can use the information in document
The literature review of a dissertation is more than a “book report” that summarizes a set of research articles. The literature review is a synthesis of ideas. This synthesis illuminates a gap in the research literature that can be filled by additional research such as a doctoral dissertation. In this assignment, you will synthesize the articles you summarized in the Topic 2 assignment, and you will describe how the synthesis of the articles informs a gap in the research that your dissertation study will fill.
General Requirements:

Locate your completed assignment form Topic 2 and the feedback from your instructor.
Write a paper (1,250-1,500 words) that synthesizes the 10 studies you summarized in the Topic 2 assignment. Do that by including the following in your paper:
Outline of paper
A statement of common findings addressed in each of the articles.
A statement of the conclusions that can be drawn when the articles are taken together as a single entity. What is the overall message of the group of articles?
A discussion of how these studies, when taken together, inform the research gap that your dissertation will fill.


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