
take my introductory psychology blackboard everything module due friday

take my introductory psychology blackboard everything module due friday









Learning Module 4 – States of Consciousness – Due by September 23

Course Competencies
1. Differentiatestatesofconscious,sleeping,and dreaming.
2. Describe sleep disorders.
3. Compare and contrastalteringconsciousness throughdrug use,meditation,and hypnosis.



Learning Module 5 – Learning – Due by September 30

Course Competencies 
1. Differentiateclassical conditioning,operantconditioning,and cognitivelearning.
2. Describe elementsofclassical conditioning.
3. Demonstrateclassical conditioningin human behavior.
4. Describe theelementsofoperantconditioning.
5. Differentiateprinciples ofreinforcementand punishment.
6. Demonstrateoperantconditioningin human behavior.
7. Identifythetypesofcognitivelearning and theirapplicationtohumans.



Learning Module 6 – Memory – Due by October 7

Course Competencies
1. Describe theoriesofremembering and forgetting.
2. Compare sensory registers,short-termmemory,and long-termmemory.
3. Identifyand practicemethodsofimproving memory.



Learning Module 7 – Thinking, Intelligence, and Language – Due by October 14

Course Competencies
1. Describe thebuilding blocks ofthought:language,images,and concepts.
2. Applyprinciples ofcognitiontostrategiesforproblem-solving and decision-making.
3. Identifythecomponentsoflanguage and thestagesoflanguage development.
4. Discuss theinfluencesofcultureon language and how humans think.
5. Defineintelligenceand describe how intelligenceis measured.
6. Identifygender differencesin cognitiveabilities.
7. Describe theinfluencesofheredityand environmenton intelligence.



Learning Module 8 – Motivation and Emotion – Due by October 21

Course Competencies
1. Explainthebiological and psychological sources ofmotivation.
2. Contrastthetheoriesofemotion.
3. Identifythebasic emotionsand how theyare communicated.
4. Describe emotionalintelligenceand how tomanage emotions.



Learning Module 9 – Lifespan Development – Due by October 28

Course Competencies
1. Identifystagesofprenataldevelopmentand threatstodevelopment.
2. Describe cognitive,physical,psychosocial and gender- and sex-role developmentin infancyand childhood.
3. Describe cognitive,physical,psychosocial and gender- and sex-role developmentin adolescence.
4. Describe cognitive,physical,psychosocial and gender- and sex-role developmentin adulthood.
5. Describe cognitive,physical,psychosocial and gender- and sex-role developmentin late adulthood.



Learning Module 10 – Personality – Due by November 4

Course Competencies
1. Explainpsychodynamic theoriesofpersonality.
2. Explainhumanistictheoriesofpersonality.
3. Explaintraittheories.
4. Explainsocial-cognitivetheoriesofpersonality.
5. Identifymethodsofpersonalityassessment.



Learning Module 11 – Psychological Disorders and Treatment – Due by November 18

Course Competencies
1. Differentiatebetweenabnormal and normal behavior.
2. Discuss psychological disorders and models ofabnormal behavior.
3. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofanxietydisorders.
4. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofmood disorders.
5. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofdissociativeand somatoformdisorders.
6. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofschizophrenia.
7. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofsexual and gender identitydisorders.
8. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofdevelopmentaland cognitivedisorders.
9. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofeatingand sleep disorders.
10. Examinethetypes,causes and treatmentofpersonalitydisorders.



Learning Module 12 – Stress and Health Psychology – Due by November 29

Course competencies for this module:
1. Define stress and describe what it does to the body. 
2. Identify ways to cope with stress and to stay healthy. 
3. Describe psychosocial effects on physical disorders. 
4. Describe psychosocial treatment of physical disorders. 



Learning Module 13 – Social Psychology – Due by December 9

Course Competencies
1. Describe fundamentalsofsocial cognition.
2. Examinethenatureofattitudes,prejudice and discrimination.
3. Describe social and culturalinfluenceson behavior,thoughtsand emotions.
4. Examinethepsychological processes involved in social influence


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