
talent management and performance appraisals

talent management and performance appraisals


topic 3 comment 6 dq1

March 19, 2021

Methods in Behavioral Research, Ch. 3

March 19, 2021

There are three parts to this question:
1. Discuss what talent management is and why it is a consideration addressed by a growing number of employers?
Deliverable: 200 word minimum in APA format, min of two sources
2. Based on your experiences, as well as the chapter information, what are some good “rules of thumb” for conducting successful performance appraisal interviews?
Deliverable: 200 word minimum in APA format, min of two sources
3. 5 slides on “develop a compensation and benefits package that you would like to be offered from your organization “
Every slide needs to include 100 words in the Notes section, 2 refernces and in-text citations
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