
teaching strategy

Research Articles Instructions and Rubric



To analyze a current teaching strategy employed in the classroom and support the strategy with research-based evidence.


Program Standards

You are to relate the program CEC standards to how this experience help you grow as a teacher


Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Standards: https://exceptionalchildren.org/standards/initial-special-education-preparation-standards 



Students will research strategies used in the classroom that are supported by research. 



Develop narrative – Students will develop a narrative of the classroom practice and use the research articles to support what the student is using in his/her classroom to assist students, particularly those with disabilities: 

Describe the teaching strategy – Students must determine a teaching strategy employed within their own classroom. 

Give a summary of each article with your reflection. Students should use library databases or other systems to locate two (2) research articles that support the teaching strategy. 

Describe how you would use the strategy in your current/future classroom.

Identify the materials used to implement the strategy, if applicable 

Standard 5. Connect the teaching strategy to the CEC/KY Standards 

Include APA In-text citations – evidence from both research articles. Include evidence from both research articles to support the classroom practice for students, including those with disabilities. 


. The narrative must be written in Microsoft Word, 12-point Times New Roman or Arial font, double spaced. Headings may be used for topics covered in the reflection (e.g., truancy, court, roles, etc.) https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines 


Quantity of pages is not as imperative as the quality of writing – as graduate students, it would be expected to maintain a high level of professionalism in your written communication. Check spelling and grammar prior to submission. 


A narrative is written to illustrate your understanding of the material and how it affects your ideas; you may add your thoughts, opinions, and analysis to information collected during your interview. Therefore, do not simply develop a question/answer paper. 


Please include (either as a supplemental page after your reflection or as a separate attachment) copies of the two (2) research articles. 


Remember research articles must be from journals that are peer-reviewed. This does not include magazines such as Time, Newsweek, etc. 


Use the rubric as a guide as you complete your writing.


Research Article Rubric

Total Points: 200

Section Requirement(s) Points
Teaching Strategy

Paper should cover one teaching strategy

1 Teaching Strategy (10 pts)

Two Research Articles

Articles are from a library database that are peer-reviewed

Article 1 (25pts)

Article 2 (25 pts)

Narrative of Classroom Practice Using Strategy

Develop a narrative. (10 pts)

Describe the teaching strategy. (10 pts)

Give a summary of each article with your reflection. (50 pts or 25pts each)

Describe how you would use the strategy in your current/future classroom. (10 pts)

Discuss the materials needed to implement the strategy (10 pts)

Connect CEC standard 5 (10 pts)

APA Style Formatting

APA cover page (5 pts)

Microsoft Word (5pt) 

12-point Times New Roman (5pt) 

double spaced (5pt)

Include APA In-text citations – evidence from both research articles. (20 pts)

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