
The Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is the recommended format for documenting sources…

The Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is the recommended format for documenting sources…


The Coventry University Harvard Reference Style is the recommended format for documenting sources used
in your academic work. It is important to be transparent and consistent when documenting sources.
To download a full version of CU Harvard Reference Style guide and glossary, visit
The two elements of the CU Harvard Reference Style are:
1. In-text citations:
2. List of references:
The surname of the author, date of publication and the page number if you quote or paraphrase,
are included in the main body of the document.
At the end of your work, full publication or internet information arranged alphabetically by surname of
the author.
Part 1: How to Write In-text Citations
Cite every source you refer to in the main body of your writing. Your in-text citations must include the surname
of the author and the year of publication. If you quote a passage directly or paraphrase (put the idea into your
own words) provide the page number. For example:
Concern about climate change is becoming a ‘force for good’ in international politics (Kennedy 2004: 88).
Images, figures and statistics from a printed source also need to be cited in the text.
In-text citations of internet sources
Use the organisation that produced the website as the author (known as the corporate author). If it is
available, also give the date when the site was produced or last updated. For example:
Manufacturing in the Midland’s biggest industry (Coventry University 2005).
In-text citations of secondary sources
Secondary sources are useful quotes or pieces of information cited in a book, article or internet resource other
than the original source:
1. Always try to find and read the original source.
2. If you cannot find the original source, use the following format:
Quote the surname of the author whose work you have not read and its original year of publication. Then
write ‘cited in’ and give the surname of the author whose work you have read. Then provide the page and
Coventry boasts the ‘finest modern cathedral in Britain’ (Shah 2004 cited in Padda 2005: 8).
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Part II. How to Write a List of References
Alphabetically list all of the sources cited in your academic writing, according to the author or corporate
Give full publication or internet details of every source you have cited. The list goes on a separate page at
the end of your work. Leave a line of space between each entry and indent every line after the first one:
Below are some examples to follow:
A book with one author:
In-text citation : (Biggs 2000)
Reference : Biggs, G. (2000) Gender and Scientific Discovery. 2nd edn. London: Routledge
A book with multiple authors:
In-text citation: (Ong, Chan, and Peters 2004)
Reference: Ong, E., Chan, W., and Peters, J. (2004) Advances in Engineering. 2nd edn.
A chapter or essay by a particular author in an edited book:
In-text citation: (Aggarwal 2005:66)
Reference: Aggarwal, B. (2005) ‘Has the British Bird Population Declined?’. in A Guide to
London: Routledge
Contemporary Ornithology. ed. by Adams, G. London: Palgrave, 66-99
A printed journal article:
In-text citation: (Padda 2003)
Reference: Padda, J. (2003) ‘Creative Writing in Coventry’. Journal of Writing Studies 3 (2),
A web site:
In-text citation: (Centre for Academic Writing 2005)
Reference: Centre for Academic Writing (2005) The List of References Illustrated [online]
available from
[20 July 2005]
An electronic journal article:
In-text citation: (Dhillon 2004)
Reference: Dhillon, B. (2004) ‘Should Doctors Wear Ties?’. Medical Monthly [online] 3 (1),
55-88. available from [20 April 2005]
A book:
Give the author’s surname and initials, then the year in brackets, followed
by the title in italics and then a full stop. Give the place of publication, a
colon, and lastly the publisher.
List of References
Abrahams, B. (2000) The City and the Citizens.
Coventry: Coventry University Press
Carr, S. (1995) The Cityscape.
Maidstone: Harper
Centre for Academic Writing (2005) The List of
References Illustrated [online] available from

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