
The idea of a trickster in literature has been around for quite some time

The idea of a trickster in literature has been around for quite some time.It is usually the trickster who is most active in the story and actually causes our main characters to react or not to react. It is the trickster who, perhaps, actually teaches us the lesson we are supposed to learn.

Here is the task: After reading Coyote and Bear, define the word “trickster.”After developing your definition, think about anything you have read (book, play, short story) or seen (film) which contains a trickster. Describe and discuss this character in the work you have chosen by relating to your definition of the term.

Click on “Add a New Discussion” to submit your forum post. Give your response a title and type or copy/paste your response in the text box. Your forum post should be at least 150 to 200 words. Be sure to spell and grammar check. If necessary, go back and review the guidelines for a forum post in the syllabus.

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