
The Importance Of Timely Information Flow/Feedback

The Importance Of Timely Information Flow/Feedback


Planning and Control Measures

For this discussion, you will generate content for your Final Project regarding plan evaluations that are associated with a product or service. As discussed , planning and control processes should be integrated; that is, both processes should be used to obtain feedback that will allow the marketing team to successfully reach strategic objectives through the marketing plan. For your initial post, describe the importance of timely information flow/feedback in terms of your chosen healthcare organization and marketing plan. Based on your chosen product or service, why would it be important for managers and planners to obtain information concerning marketing results? Why would reports for a particular timeframe (weekly, monthly, quarterly) be important concerning your product or service? How would the feedback in these reports be used to control the future of your marketing plan?

Implementation of Performance Evaluation

This discussion will allow you generate content for your Final Project regarding the implementation of performance evaluation. As discussed , the implementation of performance evaluation methods is an ongoing process that aids the marketing department in determining the success of its current programs and the positive direction for future marketing actions. The authors of your text highlight multiple performance methods that can be used to improve the marketing decision process. For your initial post, state how the balanced scorecard method could be used to identify performance procedures, methods, and responsibilities for controlling set policies within your chosen healthcare organization and to evaluate the success of your chosen healthcare organization’s marketing plan.

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