
The Rest of the Business Model Canvas

The Rest of the Business Model Canvas



The Rest of the Business Model Canvas

The “Other Side” of the Canvas

External ElementsInternal Elements


What are your core competencies? What should you focus on?

• Manufacturing? • Software

development? • Personal concierge

service? Etc.

What are your core competencies? What should you focus on?

• Manufacturing? • Software

development? • Personal concierge

service? Etc.

Key Activities

Who are your key suppliers?

Who else will partner with you on other non-core parts of your business?

What are you getting from them…and giving to them?

Who are your key suppliers?

Who else will partner with you on other non-core parts of your business?

What are you getting from them…and giving to them?

Key Partners


What Key Resources do you require?

Financial? Physical? Intellectual property? Human resources?

What Key Resources do you require?

Financial? Physical? Intellectual property? Human resources?

Key Resources

What are most important costs in your business model?

What is mix of fixed and variable costs? Margin?

What are most important costs in your business model?

What is mix of fixed and variable costs? Margin?

Cost Structure


What will you do?

What will others do?

How will you support?

A Balancing Act

Main Takeaways • “Left hand” side of the business model

canvas describes inside of the business model

• What do you need to generate product for your customers and deliver it to them?

• What should you do yourself, and who should use for other aspects?

• How much will it cost?

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